My Blog

This is the a blog of all things I find helpful in life.I will share tips,advice, and recipes. I will also share all the different ways I have found to make some extra money and save money.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Starting Over

I feel like lately I am just not happy and feeling very lost in awhile.I love being able to stay at home and take care of my husband and son but I need more than that. I feel like I am in a rut doing the same things over and over and I am doing them on autopilot.

I want to get back to having a job of my own and feeling like I am contributing in some way be it small.I also want to finish my Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree that I had started.I hope by getting back into in blogging I sort out my feelings and help set goals so that I can still make 2010 the best year yet in my and my family's life.

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