My Blog

This is the a blog of all things I find helpful in life.I will share tips,advice, and recipes. I will also share all the different ways I have found to make some extra money and save money.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

20 Gas and Electric savings tip

20 Gas and Electric Money Savings Tips

Did you get sticker shock when you opened your last utility bill? If you did, you're not alone. People have reported huge increases in their energy bills. My gas bill went up about 40%, so I decided to make my home more energy efficient. You would be surprised just how much you can lower your utility bills by taking a few of these simple steps.< Here are 20 quick and easy tips:Close the heating vents.
Closing the heating vents or radiators in an unoccupied room can save 5-10% on your heating costs.Close the fireplace flue. Don't let heat go up the chimney. Make sure the fireplace flue is closed when not in use.Turn off the pilot light. A pilot light typically costs $3-$5 per month to keep lit. If your heating system has a pilot light, turn it off during the summer.Fix that leaking faucet. A faucet leaking a single drip per second can waste 400 gallons of water a year. Besides being a tremendous environmental waste, if that water is heated it will cost you about $8 if you heat with electricity, $4 if you heat with natural gas - plus the cost of the water itself.Replace old shower heads. According to federal regulations, new shower heads can pass no more than 2.5 gallons per minute. By replacing old shower heads with new ones, a family of four can save around 15,000 gallons of water per year, which amounts to savings of over $150 and $60 for electric and gas heated water respectively.Keep the refrigerator door closed. Shut the fridge! Opening the refrigerator door accounts for $10 - $20 of a typical family's electrical bill each year based on 40-60 openings per day.Provide adequate circulation for the refrigerator. Allow at least one inch of space on each side of the refrigerator for good circulation. Poor circulation can increase electricity consumption by 10%.Keep your refrigerator cool. A 5° F difference in air temperature can impact your refrigerator electricity consumption by 20%. To reduce your refrigerator's work, keep spare refrigerators in the coolest part of the house, like the basement.Turn your computer off. You could be spending well over $100 per year on electricity by always leaving your computer on! Turn it off when it's not in use.Set your thermostat at 78° F. The breeze from a fan can provide you with the comfort of temperature that is 6° F cooler. Also, during the summer, each degree that you raise the thermostat on your cooling system typically saves 2% on your cooling bill. Energy experts recommend setting your thermostat at 78° F or higher.Keep your light fixtures clean. Dirt can absorb as much as half of the light given off by fixtures, tubes and bulbs. Keep your light fixtures clean and use less electricity.Use compact fluorescent light bulbs. Use light bulbs that produce the most light using the least amount of electricity. Energy-efficient bulbs, such as compact fluorescent bulbs, use 75% less energy than typical incandescent bulbs.Turn the lights off. Don't just leave the lights on. Lighting controls provide security lighting when you are not home - with clock timers you can turn lights in your home on and off automatically at preset times. Timers, motion sensors and photo sensors are all ways to save electricity use.Plant some trees. Deciduous trees, which lose their leaves in the winter, can help you reduce your energy costs during the summer because their foliage provides shade. And in the winter, after their leaves have fallen, the sun's warmth passes unobstructed into your home. Strategically placed shrubs and vines can also reduce the effect of the sun's heat.Leave the thermostat alone. If you must use air-conditioning, don't turn the thermostat lower thinking it will cool your home faster. It won't.Keep your thermostat cool. Keep appliances that give off heat, like stereos and televisions, away from your thermostat-the hot air will persuade your cooling system to work harder.Insulate your attic. Adding fiberglass insulation to your attic is one of the most effective and easy savings measures you can take yourself. Also, insulating air ducts or pipes can conserve up to 10% of their heat.Keep your kitchen cool. Use a fan to draw hot air out of your kitchen when cooking. The savings in your cooling costs far outweigh the electricity use of the fan.Keep your dryer clean. Don't overload your clothes dryer. And make sure you clean the lint filter after every load. An overloaded dryer and a dirty filter, which reduces airflow, make the dryer work harder. Dry loads consecutively to take advantage of heat build-up. If possible, line dry clothes.Run a full dishwasher. Cut out pre-rinsing, load dishes according to the dishwasher manufacturer's instructions, and use only recommended amounts of dish washing detergent. Only run the washer when it's full - your dishwasher uses the same amount of water regardless of how many dishes are in it. Air-dry dishes when possible.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Avoid Emotional Eating

Many of us use food for comfort when the going gets tough in our lives. We reach for the chips or that pint of ice cream in the freezer — and before we know it, the bag or the container is empty and we've eaten ourselves into a stupor. All those calories — and did we even taste them?
Unfortunately, it can be hard to break out of the cycle of emotional eating. But doing so is important if you want to take control of your eating habits and live well.
To help yourself replace this reaction to stress with better habits, use these few simple rules:
Rule 1: Don't eat in front of the TV or computer screen. Chances are you won't enjoy the food as much anyway, because you're hardly paying attention to it — and because you're not paying attention, it's easy to eat way too much. Without the TV or other distractions, you can focus on the food itself — the colors, textures, smells, and tastes — and your meals and snacks will be even more enjoyable!
Rule 2: Organize meals with family or friends — without any distractions. Eating with others will move the attention away from the food and onto conversation with your dining companions. Don't lose focus on what you're eating, though. Put your fork down every once in a while and listen to your friends or add to the conversation!
Rule 3: Avoid using food to soothe yourself when you're feeling stressed. Instead, treat yourself to a warm, relaxing bath and let the anxiety drain out of you. Or put on your sneakers and go out for a brisk walk or jog. Either method can help refocus your mind and calm your body. Other strategies you might try include playing your favorite music, making a cup of herbal tea, or calling friends or family members to catch up. You can talk your problems out with them and listen to theirs, which may distract you from your own or help you put yours in perspective

Learning to Cook

These days, cooking seems to be something of a lost art. We're often so busy with work, family, and social obligations that we convince ourselves there is no time in our schedules to cook. And in this age of fast food and convenience foods, you can find ready-to-eat or microwaveable versions of almost any dish. (Too bad they're usually far inferior to the homemade versions.)
So if you think you don't have the time, and you can get takeout any day of the week, why should you cook? Not only is it healthier for you, but…
It's cheaper. Americans now spend about half their food budget at restaurants every year, while delicious meals with fresh ingredients can be prepared at home for much less than you'd be paying outside.
You're in control. I've said it before and you've heard it many times over — the only way to know for sure what's in your food, and how much fat, salt, and sugar it contains, is to make it yourself.
It lets you be creative. When you cook, you get to create something new at every meal. Once you've got a recipe down, you can experiment with it to find your own flavorful spin. And many people underestimate the sense of accomplishment they'll feel by creating something delicious out of a pile of ingredients — until they actually do it.
If time is limited, there are plenty of "quick and easy" recipes on the Living Well site and in cookbooks — with such recipes you can get dinner on the table in well under an hour. If you've never cooked before, there are plenty of simple recipes geared toward beginners; you could also consider signing up for a class at your local YMCA, community center, or culinary school. Or ask a member of your family who cooks to teach you some of the family recipes — he or she will probably be delighted to pass on the knowledge. Whatever it takes, just get cooking — once you start, takeout will never taste the same!

Start Simple

My philosophy is simple: Make small changes every week, build on these changes over time, and you will see big results in your nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle goals. You might think that this type of plan is too slow-paced or not difficult enough for you (leading a healthier life should be overwhelming and burdensome, shouldn't it?!), but you'd be wrong! Making small changes and adding to them every week ensures your success because you are able to maintain them over time. Not sure? Just look at what Safowler1964, a Healthy Living With Ellie member, posted on the Message Boards:
"This is the best! I love Ellie, and she has helped motivate me so much! I've been a yoyo-ER for years — I'm 43 and have been overweight since my 20-somethings. I've been watching Ellie for over a year, which encouraged me to get off my duff and get moving! I jumped at the chance to do this plan. Ellie is great and a great motivator for small changes that DO add up big. Since I started making small changes 14 weeks ago (first with the book, now with the site), I have gone from an extra-extra-large top to a large, adjusted my belt loop three times, and gone from a size 13 pair of jeans to a size 11!"
Starting small and working your way up to multiple changes is the way to go. No need to stress about doing everything at once — take a deep breath (or two), make a plan, and take some small steps in the right direction. You can do it!

Sensible Substitions

Make Sensible SubstitutionsA great way to cut calories is to make smart substitutions. There's nothing sensible about swapping French fries for a loaded baked potato stuffed with bacon, cheese, butter and sour cream. In order for substituting to save calories, you have to make wise choices. Opt for the grilled chicken sandwich with Dijon mustard on a whole wheat bun instead of a fried chicken sandwich with mayonnaise. Instead of the fettuccine Alfredo, go for angel hair with marinara. Draw on your nutrition knowledge to make the healthiest choices.

Sundays Qoute of the Day

"To keep your character intact you cannot stoop to filthy acts. It makes it easier to stoop the next time."

Give Breakfast a Chance

You may think that an easy way to lose weight would be to just skip eating breakfast. But you'd be wrong! Study after study has shown that people who eat a healthy breakfast every day weigh less than those who skip this important meal. This may be because breakfast-skippers overcompensate by overeating later in the day, or it may be that a morning meal jump-starts your metabolism. Whatever the reason, it would be a big mistake to skip breakfast.
If you don't like typical breakfast foods, break the rules. Change up the regular choices with these delicious options:
Plain, unsweetened, whole-grain oatmeal made with low-fat or fat-free milk and topped with fresh fruit and nuts. Oatmeal is filling, easy to fix, and boasts fiber and other nutrients, too.
Low-fat yogurt sprinkled with low-fat granola.
A fruit-and-vegetable smoothie.
Whole-grain toast with a thin spread of nut butter.
High-fiber, low-sugar, whole-grain cereal with low-fat or fat-free milk and fruit. Choose a cereal with at least 8 grams of fiber per serving.
If you're feeling extremely adventurous, break the rules completely and have a vegetable-and-whole-grain breakfast that can be made in the microwave in minutes: sweet potato with low-sodium canned beans and a brown-rice breakfast pocket. It may sound totally crazy to eat this food in the morning, but try it and see how great you feel by lunch.
Try canned Alaskan salmon in place of bacon with eggs and veggies. You may be the first person you know to eat healthy, omega-3-packed salmon in the morning, but your neighbors will follow suit when they see what good health you're in!

Eating Together

Enjoy a Family Meal
Eating a meal with your family is a great way to share healthy foods and stay up-to-date on what's happening in one another's lives. But did you know that it's also good for your family's health? One recent study found that girls who ate five or more meals a week with their families had a lower risk of developing unhealthy eating habits and eating disorders. And other studies have linked regular family meals with less obesity, drug use, smoking, and suicidal thinking in adolescents.
Unfortunately, with our increasingly hectic schedules, many of us don't eat together as a family. But you have the power to change that. With all the benefits you and your family can get from eating together, how can you afford not to?
Here are a few tips for establishing family meals:
Set a time for the meal — just remember who has basketball practice or dance lessons on which day!
Share food preparation and clean-up duties — your kids will love helping prepare the meals, and if everyone is involved in clean-up no one can complain about it!
If they're old enough, let the kids help clean, peel, and cut up vegetables.
If your kids are too young to help cook, they can still be involved by choosing what vegetables they want at dinner or by stirring something in a bowl.
Don't let anyone opt out of the meal. Including everyone emphasizes the importance of the family time.
Turn off the TV and computers — focus on eating and talking.
Eat slowly and enjoy the food, the conversation, and the laughter.
Keep mealtime conversation positive and avoid contentious subjects.

Eating Right

Hello, Carbs!
Who hasn't been tempted by no-carb diets? They seem to work, and they yield results quickly. But what about those of us who can't part with fresh-baked bread or steaming rice? I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to give up all that good, nutritious food that quickly! Plus, breads and cereals can add important fiber to your diet and give you energy to keep going! We all need those benefits!
I've learned that you can eat carbs and still lose weight. You just need to make good choices and watch your portion sizes. Here are some seriously healthy carbs for you to experiment with:
Whole-grain bread
Whole-grain or legume-based pasta
Whole-grain cereal
Brown and wild rice
Sprouted grains

Overcoming a Plataaeu

When people begin a new fitness plan, they're sometimes surprised at how quickly they see results. If you never went to a gym or picked up a weight before you started the Living Well With Montel program, you may have lost weight and increased muscle strength pretty quickly when you started walking and lifting weights most days of the week. A few weeks later, though, you may feel that these improvements have slowed, even though your efforts have not. In other words, you may have reached a plateau.
Why does this happen? Briefly, with practice your body has learned how to perform your regular exercises more efficiently — meaning that you use less energy and burn fewer calories while doing them. You may also be feeling bored doing the same activities every day. Luckily, there's a simple method that can help you break through a plateau, as well as any boredom.
It's called the FITT principle, for frequency, intensity, time, and type. Changing one or more of these four components of your workout can help you break through to the next level.
For instance, you can change the frequency and time of your workout by changing how often and how long you work out. Perhaps you want to try more frequent, shorter workouts, or fewer but longer ones. You can increase the intensity of many cardio exercises by varying your speed, distance, or resistance or incline, or you can boost the intensity of your strength-training workout by increasing the weight you lift, the number of reps you do, or the number of sets. You can change exercise type by trying different kinds of equipment, or you can branch out into a whole new kind of exercise.
If you've hit a plateau, don't become frustrated and give up. Instead, celebrate how far you've come, and consider where you'd like to go next!

Practice Prevention

Chronic diseases account for seven of every ten U.S. Deaths and for more than 60 percent of medical care expenditures — but much of the chronic disease in this country is preventable. Eating better and exercising more — two pillars of the Living Well With Montel program — can go a long way toward preventing chronic disease, but so can seeing your doctor regularly for preventive care, even if you don't feel sick. So mark your calendar to remind yourself of when you're due for a checkup or your annual physical, and don't skip it.Keeping up with regular doctor visits gives you a chance to have important health markers checked — blood pressure and cholesterol levels, among others. The doctor will be able to spot anything out of the ordinary and treat it before it becomes an unchecked risk factor for bigger problems, like heart disease.

Also, it's important to see your doctor and get his or her approval before starting or escalating an exercise program, especially if you have any health issues, are over 50, or are not used to doing moderate physical activity, or if you smoke or are pregnant. Your doctor will let you know if there are any tests you need to undergo before starting any new activities, or any activities you should avoid because of medical conditions. And if you are recovering from an injury, surgery, or other medical emergency, your doctor can refer you to a physical therapy or rehabilitation program where exercises will be tailored to your needs.

Even if you've already received your doctor's okay, if you feel any pain, uncomfortable stiffness, dizziness, or severe breathlessness during exercise, stop right away and be sure to consult your doctor. Getting the proper care for a minor problem can prevent you from developing a serious injury or condition that could halt your exercise efforts for the long term

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Super Foods

Looking for a way to get even more bang for your nutritional buck? Try these "superfoods"! They're loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to help you feel great, and they even help fight disease! Incorporate them into your diet today!
Almonds: A source of "good" fat, almonds can help your heart by lowering bad cholesterol!
Berries: They're jammed with vitamins — particularly vitamin C — but new research has found these sweet little sensations to be ace disease fighters too, helping to prevent bladder infections and even cancers, among other illnesses.
Broccoli: Folate, vitamin C, calcium — broccoli is packed with all these awesome nutrients. Now researchers think it might also fight cancer!
Avocado: The large number of calories in a serving of avocado is totally worth it! This source of healthy fat contains a ton of vitamin K and potassium and is also associated with lower cholesterol and even the prevention of breast cancer!
Salmon: Low in calories, easy to prepare, and amazingly good for you — what's not to love about salmon? And the omega-3 fatty acids in salmon are great for your heart!
Olive oil: Another good fat! Besides making your food incredibly tasty, olive oil can also protect you from heart disease.
Green tea: So much research has touted the benefits of green tea, it's hard to know where to begin! But here's a sample: A Japanese study in 2006 showed that green tea lowered the risk of death from all causes. How's that for a superfood?

Quote of the Day

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." – Albert Einstein

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Reach out For Success

Reach Out for Success
When you're trying to make positive changes in your life, having a support system in place is so important. Knowing that you have people who will celebrate your successes with you can keep you motivated; knowing that they'll offer you comfort and advice can keep you going when you're struggling. Research has confirmed that people participating in an online weight-loss program lose more weight when they have continued personal contact with others.
The Healthy Living With Ellie program knows how important that connection is, and that's why we've set up Message Boards for everyone who's participating. The Boards are a place where people doing the program can reach out to one another, no matter how far apart they may live.
If you've never posted a message online before, don't worry — it's easy. If you have a question about an element of the program you're struggling with, post it and someone else out there may have just the answer for you. Or, if you feel like you've gained some wisdom about to make the program work for you, share it, and you just might inspire someone else. You can post a message about new ideas for exercise, tasty recipes, time-management tips, or any other topic that interests you, whether you're asking questions or answering.
If you're not used to reaching out to others for support, today's small change may feel like a big change indeed! But I think you'll be surprised at how helpful it can be to communicate with others working their way through the program, just like you. So today, post on the Message Boards, and remember to check back regularly to see how other people have responded to what you have to share.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Good Home Remedies that work

Home remedies that work!
1. Budweiser beer conditions the hair
2. Pam cooking spray will dry finger nail polish
3. Cool whip will condition your hair in 15 minutes
4. Mayonnaise will KILL LICE, it will also condition your hair
5. Elmer's Glue - paint on your face, allow it to dry, peel off and see the dead skin and blackheads if any
6. Shiny Hair - use brewed Lipton Tea
7. Sunburn - empty a large jar of Nestea into your bath water
8. Minor burn - Colgate or Crest toothpaste
9. Burn your tongue? Put sugar on it!
10. Arthritis? WD-40 Spray and rub in, kill insect stings to
11 Bee stings - meat tenderizer
12. Chigger bite - Preparation H
13. Puffy eyes - Preparation H
14. Paper cut - crazy glue or chap stick (glue is used instead of sutures at most hospitals)
15. Stinky feet - Jell-O !
16. Athletes feet - cornstarch
17. Fungus on toenails or fingernails - Vicks vapor rub
18. Kool aid to clean dishwasher pipes. Just put in the detergent section and run a cycle, it will also clean a toilet. (Wow, & we drink this stuff)
19. Kool Aid can be used as a dye in paint also Kool Aid in Dannon plain yogurt as a finger paint, your kids will love it and it won't hurt them if they eat it!
20. Peanut butter - will get scratches out of CD's! Wipe off with a coffee filter paper
21. Sticking bicycle chain - Pam no-stick cooking spray
22. Pam will also remove paint, and grease from your hands! Keep a can in your garage for your hubby
23. Peanut butter will remove ink from the face of dolls
24. When the doll clothes are hard to put on, sprinkle with corn starch and watch them slide on
25. Heavy dandruff - pour on the vinegar!
26. Body paint - Crisco mixed with food coloring. Heat the Crisco in the microwave, pour in to an empty film container and mix with the food color of your choice!
27 Tie Dye T-shirt - mix a solution of Kool Aid in a container, tie a rubber band around a section of the T-shirt and soak
28. Preserving a newspaper clipping - large bottle of club soda and cup of milk of magnesia, soak for 20 min. And let dry, will last for many years!
29. A Slinky will hold toast and CD's!
30. To keep goggles and glasses from fogging, coat with Colgate toothpaste
31. Wine stains, pour on the Morton salt and watch it absorb into the salt.
32. To remove wax - Take a paper towel and iron it over the wax stain, it will absorb into the towel.
33. Remove labels off glassware etc. Rub with Peanut butter!
34. Baked on food - fill container with water, get a Bounce paper softener and the static from the Bounce towel will cause the baked on food to adhere to it. Soak overnight. Also; you can use 2 Efferdent tablets, soak overnight! Also electric dishwasher detergent.
35. Crayon on the wall - Colgate toothpaste and brush it! 36. Dirty grout - Listerine
37. Stains on clothes - Colgate toothpaste
38. Grass stains - Karo Syrup
39. Grease Stains - Coca Cola will remove grease stains from the driveway overnight. We know it will take corrosion from car batteries!
40. Fleas in your carpet? 20 Mule Team Borax- sprinkle and let stand for 24 hours. Maybe this will work if you get them back again.
41. To keep FRESH FLOWERS longer Add a little Clorox or 2 Bayer aspirin or just use 7-up instead of water.
42. When you go to buy bread in the grocery store, have you ever wondered which is the freshest, so you 'squeeze' for freshness or softness? Did you know that bread is delivered fresh to the stores five days a week? Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Each day has a different color twist tie. They are: Monday = Blue, Tuesday = Green, Thursday = Red Friday = White Saturday = Yellow. So if today was Thursday, you would want red twist tie; not white which is Fridays (almost a week old)! The colors go alphabetically by color Blue- Green - Red - White - Yellow, Monday through Saturday. Very easy to remember. I thought this was interesting. I looked in the grocery store and the bread wrappers DO have different twist ties, and even the ones with the plastic clips have different colors. You learn something new every day! Enjoy fresh bread when you buy bread with the right color on the day you are shopping.
Don't forget Gatorade for Migraine & Headaches. PowerAde won't work.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Nature is at work around you.Your character and destiny
Are her handiwork.She gives you love and
Hate, jealousy and reverence.You have the power to
Choose which impulse
You will follow.
~ Unknown

Saturday, October 25, 2008

365 Days of Christmas

I love Christmas.I love everything about Christmas.I found a blog that keeps that spirit all year.Check it out.

Monday, October 13, 2008


I found a message board that is all about everything frugal.If you love freebies,coupons are just some great deals come check it out.

Back in Full Force

I will be devoting more time to this site.We are no longer camping with camp season being over which gives me back my weekends.I also have stopped taking care of the two children I was watching.So I am devoting lots of time to get my house in order and doing my Avon business and running my sites.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This website is fun and can be addicting.You are just basically making up wishlists.I use this site as a goal for me to obtain with my Avon sales.


IF you are looking to bring in some extra money but not sure at this point where you want to go then Volition is the best place to start.They have many different ways to bring money in while working at home.


If you love to blog and write articles.I have the perfect place.You write about what you love and you get paid for it.You should check it out.

Friday, September 26, 2008

GPT site

I found another GPT site..You try out free offers and get paid.I am already up to 25 dollars in a little less than hour.Well worth your time.If you are interested leave me a comment or e-mail at and put surf bounty in the subject line.

Survery site

If you are anything like me you probably like to take surveys.Its great when you get paid to give your opinion.I came across a blog site that actually has listed all the great paying survey sites.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Free Sample

Pledge Multi Surface Wipes are so awesome.I love to use them on my computer and cell phone.I am a germ phobic so I am forever making sure there are no germs on anything I touch.You can get a free sample right now.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mom Stop

As a mother its important to be able to chat with other members.I found a great website for that today.Its called One Stop Mom.Here is the website.

Fall Cleaning

I am hoping in the next week or so to get my house all cleaned and organized.Itsthat time of year again.We call it fall cleaning.I found a great website with lots of ideas to help you along the way.

Shop Smart

Do your grocery shopping on a full stomach.If you go when you are hungry, you’re more Likely to make more impulse buys, filling yourCart with food you don’t really need.
Certain items go on sale at certain times of the year. For example, condiments usually go on sale in early summer (to prepare for all those summer barbecues), and baking supplies generally go on sale before Christmas. Stock up at the right time and save.
Take advantage of coupons. Get your Sunday paper and make sure to clip, clip, clip! And don’t forget to take advantage of the special offers made available here on Home Made Simple
If you can, try to shop alone. The more people you have along, the more likely that items you didn’t budget for will end up in your cart.
Keep a pen and pad of paper somewhere in the kitchen. Write down what you need as soon as you run out of it, so you don’t forget it at the store. This will also prevent you from having to guess just what it is you need, only to find when you get home that you already had that item.
During checkout, keep an eye on the running cash register total. That way you can quickly point out if something rings up other than at its advertised price.

My Survey

Absolutely one of my favorites. With My Survey, you earn points that you convert to cash. They also have great merchandise you can cash out for. I end up cashing out $10 every 2-3 weeks. They send a check. I have made hundreds with them to date. They pay within a couple of weeks! US, Canada and Europe

Trouble Free Food Storage

Trouble-Free Food Storage

If you’re ever unsure about how exactly to store your flour, or how long your chicken can be stowed in the refrigerator, you’re not alone. We’ve made a list of some popular foods and storage parameters for each:
You can store this for up to two years, but once opened, store it in an airtight container.
It depends on the variety, but all should be kept tightly covered. White can last up to two years, but brown and wild should be stored only six months to a year.
You can freeze flour indefinitely, otherwise, keep it in an airtight container just six to eight months.
Dry Cereal
Check the date on the package, but after opened, dry cereal usually lasts about two to three months. Make sure to refold the package liner tightly or transfer it to an airtight container to help maintain quality.
Keep it in the refrigerator just seven days. You can freeze bacon for up to a month.
Chicken or Turkey Pieces
Store in the refrigerator one to two days, or the freezer for nine months.
They’ll last one to three weeks in the refrigerator, but make sure not to wash them before storing. Keep them in the crisper or in a moisture-resistant bag.
Ground Beef
You can store it one to two days in the refrigerator or three to four months in the freezer.
Steaks or Roasts
These will last three to five days in the refrigerator, six months to a year in the freezer.
Deli or Lunch Meats
Keep these in the refrigerator for three to five days or freeze them for up to two months.
Eggs keep for three weeks. (You shouldn’t freeze eggs. )
It will last one to two weeks in the refrigerator. Make sure to wrap it tightly.
Shredded Cheese
Keep it in the refrigerator and use within two days of the “best when purchased by” date.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I want to share one thing I am becoming addicted to.I just started and learning all about it but I can see where it could become an addiction.Before I go any further I believe it to be a awesome addiction that is actually good for my family and checkbook.Its called CVS Drugstore.They have a program sent up where when you buy certain items each week you recieve ECB which are Extra Care Bucks.Its basically free money to use towards your next purchase.I am new to the whole thing still yet but I have gone a few times and love it.I will be posting all my deals on my blog as I continue my CVS Journey.

Advil Life List

Advil has a great site where you can go and make a list of all things you would like to accomplish.I love it already.Then after you set your goals it will e-mail you and remind you of your goals.All i can say is pretty cool!

Great Website

Here is a great website that gives you 100 things you can make for cheap on your own.

New Direction with This Blog

When I first started with this blog the main idea was to post all my online ways of making money.I wanted all my sites to be one place as a way for me to stay organized and know what I was doing.The other reason was becuase when people asked me what I was doing and how to do it I could send them here and they could go through and read and try things at thier own liesure.I will still do that but I also want to make this blog about finding ways to save money and be frugal.I will also through in some ways to make life easier at home and the occasional uplifting things too.I hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Prejudice is evil and vial there are non righteous before our King. Without Him no one will ever hear the courts of heaven sing. The color of your skin doesn't mean a thing nor where you live or how you dress. God is concerned with what we profess. God looks at the inside not the out. He wants to know if we believe or doubt. Our hearts are what He's checking to see do we believe in Him you and me. So if you judge others by how they dress, or where they live or by the color of their skin you can be sure that with God it is a sin. have a blessed day. hugs joyce

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

There comes a time

There comes a point in your life when you realize: who matters,
who never did,
who won't anymore...
and who always will.
So, don't worry about people from your past,
there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

The Best time to Buy Everything

Want to get the best deal on everything that you buy? It all starts with knowing when to shop. Here’s a month-by-month guide to the biggest bargains:
Food: Chocolate (Christmas clearance) Soda Diet foods Frozen finger foods
Non-food: Linens Electronics Computers Small appliances Air conditioners Carpeting and flooring Furniture Winter clothes Toys (on clearance after the holidays) Bicycles Christmas gift wrap Christmas decorations Athletic shoes Exercise equipment Motorcycles Houses Boats
Food: Chocolate (post Valentine’s Day) Steak (post Valentine’s Day) Seafood (post Valentine’s Day) Oatmeal
Non-food: Big screen TVs (before the Super Bowl) Boats
Food: Frozen foods
Non-food: Boats
Food: Candy (Easter clearance) Eggs Ham Cheese Mustard Ready-made dough Dinner rolls Frozen pies Cake mix Cake frosting Pie crusts
Non-Food: Electronics Vacuums Cookware Tires and other car care supplies
Food: Hotdogs Ground beef Hamburger and hot dog buns Condiments (ketchup, mustard, barbeque sauce, relish) Salad dressing Chips Ice cream Popsicles Frozen pies Soda Bottled water
Non-food: Party supplies (disposable plates, cups, napkins and utensils) Grill supplies (charcoal, lighter fluid) Vacuums Cookware
Food: Ice cream Popsicles Soda Bottled water Iced tea mix and bags
Non-food: Tools (around Father’s Day)
Food: Hot dogs Ground beef Hamburger and hot dog buns Condiments (ketchup, mustard, barbeque sauce, relish) Salad dressing Chips Ice cream Popsicles Soda Bottled water Iced tea mix and bags
Non-food: Grill supplies (charcoal, lighter fluid) Party supplies (disposable plates, cups, napkins and utensils) Furniture
Food: Cereal Breakfast bars Peanut butter Jelly Lunch meat American cheese Yogurt Chips Snack cakes Cookies Ice cream Soda Bottled water Iced tea mix and bags Drink boxes
Non-food: Pool supplies Outdoor toys Outdoor furniture Bathing suits Summer clothes Summer shoes
Food: Cereal Breakfast bars Peanut butter Jelly Lunch meat American cheese Yogurt Chips Snack cakes Cookies Hot dogs Ground beef Hamburger and hot dog buns Condiments (ketchup, mustard, barbeque sauce, relish) Salad dressing Canned fruits and vegetables Soups Broth Frozen pies Soda Drink boxes
Non-food: Grill supplies (charcoal, lighter fluid) Party supplies (disposable plates, cups, napkins and utensils) School supplies Large appliances (refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers) Cars Lawn mowers Grills
Food: Canned fruits and vegetables Dried fruits (raisins, apricots, cranberries) Soups Broth
Non-food: Large appliances Lawn mowers Grills Tires and other car care supplies
Food: Turkey Butter Cheese Baking supplies (flour, sugar, yeast chocolate chips, baker’s chocolate, sweetened condensed milk, cooking oil) Pie crusts Ready-made dough Dinner rolls Frozen pies Cake mix Cake frosting Pie filling Spices Nuts Dried fruits (raisins, apricots, cranberries) Oatmeal Candy (Halloween clearance) Marshmallows Soup Broth
Non-food: Aluminum foil Plastic wrap Disposable baking pans Cookware Electronics Tools Carpeting and flooring
Food: Ham Butter Cheese Baking supplies (flour, sugar, yeast chocolate chips, baker’s chocolate, sweetened condensed milk, cooking oil) Pie crusts Ready-made dough Dinner rolls Frozen pies Cake mix Cake frosting Pie filling Refrigerated cookie dough Spices Nuts Dried fruits (raisins, apricots, cranberries) Oatmeal Soda
Non-food: Disposable baking pans Aluminum foil Plastic wrap Electronics Computers Carpeting and flooring Tools Toys Winter clothes Cars Motorcycles

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Uses For Citrus Rinds


Make a bird feeder by placing a mixture of fat and birdseed in an empty grapefruit or orange half, suspend the rind cup by string from a tree.

Blackened aluminium saucepans can be cleaned by boiling water and citrus rinds in them. Any remaining stain can be removed with a steel wool pad.

Add citrus peel to tea leaves while they are brewing or put several small strips and a tea bag into a cup with some boiled water.
After carrying out dirty chores press nail tips into the pithy side of a lemon rind to clean them.

Citrus rinds added to simmering cinnamon and cloves will make your home smell lovely.

Small string or muslin bags filled with orange or lemon peel can be placed in drawers or cupboards.

Rub lemon rind over cutting boards to clean and deodorise it.

Add some dried citrus rinds the fire to give off a spicy fragrance.

Orange peel scattered on flower beds deters cats.

Words to Pass On


1. Don't imagine you can change a man - unless he's in diapers.

2. What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You shut the door.

3. If they put a man on the moon - they should be able to put them all up there.

4. Never let your man's mind wander - it's too little to be out alone.

5. Go for the younger man. You might as well, they never mature anyway.

6. Men are all the same - they just have different faces, so that you can tell them apart.

7. Definition of a bachelor: a man who has missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable.

8. Women don't make fools of men - most of them are the do-it-yourself types.

9. Best way to get a man to do something is to suggest he is too old for it.

10. Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.

11. If you want a committed man, look in a mental hospital.

12. The children of Israel wandered around the desert for 40 yrs. Even in Biblical times, men wouldn't ask for directions.

13. If he asks what sort of books you're interested in, tell him checkbooks..

14. Remember a sense of humor does not mean that you tell him jokes, it means that you laugh at his.

15. Sadly, all men are created equal.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Helpful hints

Cleaning Window Screens

Nylon covered sponges are great for cleaning window screens.Removing Smoke Odor

Place a bowl of vinegar out to absorb smoke odor.Unstick That Door

Car wax applied to a sticking door will ease opening and closing.Repairing Cigarette Burns in Carpets

Cigarette burns in carpeting can be repaired by cutting the blackened fibers from the hole. Squeeze liquid glue into the hole and fill with fibers trimmed from carpet remnants.Repairing Small Holes in Window Screens

Clear nail polish will repair small holes in window screens.Killing Flies

Hair spray will kill flies.Window Painting Tip

Newspaper strips when wetted can be used around windows when painting in place of masking tape. Remove strips before they dry out.Drying Out Wet Magazines or Books

Place paper towels on both sides of a wet page to absorb the moisture and prevent wrinkling

Friday's Scripture of The Day

"With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."
Mark 10:27

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Vindale Research

I found a survey site today.Its free to join.You review products and take simple online surveys.Then you get paid.The pay is actually higher than any other survey site.

Cash Laggoon

This is a GPT site.You try or sign up for offers and get paid.

Mechanical Turk

There is an awesome site where you do different projects called Hits and you get paid.The jobs range from easy to difficult.

Dollar Does It

I just found a site where you can get paid to click or paid to try offers. I have been playing on it all night and really having some fun with it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Clixsense is a PTC site.You just click on a link on you get paid.Pretty simple.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

For My Children

*Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play. *Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together. *Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles. *Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck and I will buy you one if he comes by. *Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned. *Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them. *Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys. *Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you. *Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry. *Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars. *Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows. *Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given. *I will think about the mothers And fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore. *And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask Him for nothing, except one more day.............

What is Life?

What is Life about?
Life isn't about keeping score. It's not about how many friends you have Or how accepted you are. Not about if you have plans this weekend or if you're alone. It isn't about who you're dating, who you used to date, how many people you've dated, or if you haven't been with anyone at all. It isn't about who you have kissed, It isn't about who your family is or how much money they have' Or what kind of car you drive. Or where you are sent to school. It's not about how beautiful or ugly you are. Or what clothes you wear, what shoes you have on, Or what kind of music you listen to. It's not about if your hair is blonde, red, black, or brown, Or if your skin is too light or too dark. Not about what grades you get how smart you are, how smart everybody else thinks you are, or how smart standardized tests say you are. It's not about what clubs you're in or how good you are at "your" sport. It's not about representing your whole being on a piece of paper and seeing who will "accept the written you." Life just isn't. Life is about who you love and who you hurt. It's about who you make happy or unhappy purposely. It's about keeping or betraying trust. It's about friendship, used as a sanctity or as a weapon. It's about what you say and mean, maybe hurtful, maybe heartening. It's about starting rumours and contributing to petty gossip. It's about what judgments you pass and why. And who your judgments are spread to. It's about who you've ignored with full control and intention. It's about jealousy, fear, ignorance, and revenge. It's about carrying inner hate and love, letting it grow and spreading it. But most of all, it's about using your life to touch or poison other people's hearts in such a way that could have never occurred alone. Only you choose the way those hearts are affected, and those choices are what life's all about.
All this was said a long time ago. It was very simply put. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Monday, September 1, 2008

If you like to catch up on tv episodes as much as me then you will love You can watch tv episodes and movies for free.

Something to Think About

You can't find peace by avoiding life!

There is something to be said about this.Its so short and simple yet so true.I think by not doing things that it will be fine.Putting off decisions will give me peace of mind just a little longer.Nope it doesnt work.My husband loves to take care of things as they come up and I think I would be wise to do the same thing.

Marriott Sweeptstakes

Win reward points from Marriott.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Saving tip of the day

Set Up Auto-DraftKeep saving simple by taking yourself out of the equation. Use your bank's auto-draft feature to schedule regular transfers from your checking account to your savings account. Then, sit back; and let the bank handle all of the details for you.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem

1. Go ahead - toot your own horn! Quash insecurities before they start by looking into the mirror first thing in the morning and saying aloud positive things such as: "I'm confident and ready for the new day." or "I'm smart, energetic and downright gorgeous."

2. Splurge on a new lipstick! Just a tiny tweak can help you love the way you look, leading to a big spike in self-esteem.

3. Hang out with optimists! Confidence is contagious! The more you mix with self-assured, positive people, the more confident you'll become. Also key: make a habit of complimenting others. Helping someone else feel more upbeat about herself will help you feel that way too.

4. Give yourself a single red rose! Roses aren't just beautiful, their sweet fragrance stimulates the part of the brain responsible for feeling joy, clearing the way for a surge in self-esteem and creativity.

5. Fake it, and you'll make it. Nobody feels sure of herself all the time. But psychologists say that simply acting as if you do - even when you're a little uncertain - will immediately boost your confidence.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Little Debbie Miles of Smiles Sweepstakes

Little Debbie Miles Of Smiles SweepstakesPrizes:(5): Home Theater System. Includes a 47" LCD Television, Blu-Ray DVD Player, Insignia 5.1 Surround Sound System, Receiver, HDMI Cable, speaker wire, gold plated banana plugs, subwoofer cable, TV stand, surge protector, and wireless speaker kit. ARV: $2,465(3): Race weekend for 2. Includes airfare to race (undetermined), hotel, and passes to the Sprint Cup Race. ARV: $3,500(10): Digital Video Recorder. TiVo Series 2 Dual Tuner Digital Video Recorder with 80 hour capacity. ARV: $249(25): Kodak EasyShare 8.1 megaPixel Digital Camera. ARV: $180(50): Kodak EasyShare Digital Picture Frame. ARV: $180(1,000): Little Debbie Koalas 21" Plush Bear. ARV: $15Daily Entry. Expires November 30, 2008. U.S. Only.

Top 6 Cashcrate tips

Top 6 Cashcrate Tips
Cashcrate is my favorite get-paid-to (GPT) site and I have some of my top Cashcrate tips ready for you. For those of you who are not familiar with Cashcrate, they pay you to complete surveys and offers and they are completely free to join. If you would like to earn some easy extra cash by making money with Cashcrate. 1. Check out their Forum- There is an abundance of helpful information and support there. You will have the opportunity to talk with other members, plus be able to ask and find answers to questions you have.
2. Only do the 'Free Offers'- Always select to do the 100% Free Offers. Some offers you have to pay for but it will always be specified. It is better to do the free offers so you do not have to give out your credit card info.
3. Create a separate email address for the offers- Many offers will send you confirmation emails, it is best to make a separate email address for these. It will keep you more organized and keep the emails out of your regular email account.
4. Fill out the surveys with valid information- If you do not want to give out your real phone number you can sign up for a free one at
.5. Get Referrals- You get bonuses and commissions from your referrals. Post your Cashcrate referral link in your email signature, get friends and family to join, even post in get-paid-to forums and groups. Or include your link in your blog or website
.6. Keep the final screen of the offer open for a few minutes after you submit it- Several other members have reported this tactic helps them to get more offers to confirm.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Words of advice from the Bible

"Be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath." - New Testament, James i. 19

Monday, August 25, 2008


"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."– Anatole France

Life Lessons

ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

FOUR. When you say, 'I love you ,' mean it.

FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

FIFTEEN. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson !

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship..

NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

TWENTY-ONE. Spend some time alone.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A pets ten commandments


1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.

2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.

3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.

4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, yourEntertainment, but I have only you.

5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.

6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.

7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, rememberThat I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.

8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative,Ask yourself if something might be bothering me.Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have beenIn the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.

9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too,Will grow old.

10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with mePlease. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don'tMake me face this alone. Everything is easier for meIf you are there, because I love you so. ALWAYS! Take a moment today to thank God for your pets.Enjoy and take good care of them. Life would beA much duller, less joyful experience withoutGod's critters.

Vocal Point

At vocal point they have forums and activities.Its is a pretty neat site.I joined because as a member they are always sending you free samples in the mail and you have to like that.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Ready or not, someday it will all come to an end. There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days. All things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else. Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. Your grudges, resentments, frustrations and jealousies will finally disappear. So too your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will expire. The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away. It won't matter where you came from, or on what side of the tracks you lived, at the end. It won't matter whether you where beautiful or brilliant. Even your gender and skin colour will be irrelevant. So what will matter? How will the value of your days be measured?What will matter is not what you bought, but what you built; Not what you got, but how you gave. What will matter is not your success, but your significance. What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.
What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.
What will matter is not your competence, but your character. What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you're gone. What will matter are not your memories, but the memories that live in those who loved you. What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom and for what. Living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident. It's not a matter of circumstance but of choice.
Choose to live a life that matters.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

All That Really Matters

Life is too short for grievances, For quarrels and for tears, What's the use of wasting Precious days and precious tears.
If there's something to forgive, Forgive without delay Maybe you too, were part to blame, So make it up today.
Be generous, forget the past And take the broader view, Cast away all bitterness and Let the sunshine through.
If it's within your power A broken heart to mend,
Remember Love is all that reallyMatters in the end.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Showing up for Life

Actively ParticipatingShowing Up For Life The way we walk into a room says a lot about the way we live our lives. When we walk into a room curious about what’s happening, willing to engage, and perceiving ourselves as an active participant with something to offer, then we have really shown up to the party. When we walk into a room with our eyes down, or nervously smiling, we are holding ourselves back for one reason or another. We may be hurting inside and in need of healing, or we may lack the confidence required to really be present in the room. Still, just noticing that we’re not really showing up, and having a vision of what it will look and feel like when we do, can give us the inspiration we need to recover ourselves. Even if we are suffering, we can show up to that experience ready to fully engage in it and learn what it has to offer. When we show up for our life, we are actively participating in being a happy person, achieving our goals, and generally living the life our soul really wants. If we need healing, we begin the process of seeking out those who can help us heal. If we need experience, we find the places and opportunities that can give us the experience we need in order to do the work we want to do in the world. Whatever we need, we look for it, and when we find it, we engage in the process of letting ourselves have it. When we do this kind of work, we become lively, confident, and passionate individuals. There is almost nothing better in the world than the feeling of showing up for our own lives. When we can do this, we become people that are more alive and who have the ability to make things happen in our lives and the lives of the people around us. We walk through the world with the knowledge that we have a lot to offer and the desire to share it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


A good friend of mine sent me this link.ThinkBux is GPC to site.Basically you view a site and they pay you.You dont sign up for anything or fill out surveys and you get paid.Its pretty simple.I will tell you it takes a little time everyday and its better to get referrals but its pretty simple.

2 cents

If you like to get surveys and like to get paid then I have the site for you.ON 2 cents you fill out surveys and they pay you.So if you want some easy money then sign up with them.I did and I the surveys were short and sweet.Here is the link.


My best friend refered me to this site.I love it.ITs like myspace but you get paid.Oh can you beat that.I am planning on spending alot of time on here.I reccommend you come check it out also.What do you have to lose?

Squishy Cash

Here is another site where you fill out surveys and try offers and get paid.I just signed up and I am already up to 30 dollars.Not to bad for a day's work.

Monday, July 28, 2008

ABC of friendship

(A)ccepts you as you are
(B)elieves in "you"
(C)alls you just to ! Say "HI"
(D)oesn't give up on you

(E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
(F)orgives your mistakes
(G)ives unconditionally
(H)elps you
(I)nvites you over

(J)ust "be" with you
(K)eeps you close at heart
(L)oves you for who you are
(M)akes a difference in your life

(N)ever Judges
(O)ffers support
(P)icks you up
(Q)uiets your fears
(R)aises your spirits

(S)ays nice things about you
(T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it
(U)nderstands you
(V)alues you

(W)alks beside you
(X)-plains things you don't understand
(Y)ells when you won't listen and
(Z)aps you back to reality

Non Aerobic Exercises

"Non-Aerobic Exercises"
Physical exercise is good for you. I know that I should do it daily, but my body doesn't want me to do too much, so I have worked out this program of strenuous activities that do not require physical exercise.You are invited to use my program without charge. Here are the things I have become good at:
Beating around the bush
Jumping to conclusions
Climbing the walls
Swallowing my pride
Passing the buckThrowing my weight around
Dragging my heels
Pushing my luck
Making Mountains out of molehill
sHitting the nail on the head
Wading through paperworkBending over backwards
Jumping on the bandwagon
Balancing the books
Running around in circles
Eating crow
Tooting my own horn
Climbing the ladder of success
Pulling out the stopsAdding fuel to the fire
Opening a can of wormsPutting my foot in my mouth
Starting the ball rolling

Helpful Tips

"Household Tips"

Coffee Maker:
To clean your coffee maker, drop an EFFER-DENT denture
Cleaning tablet in a 10 cup coffee maker and add hotwater .
Brew as usual then rinse.

To clean copper, rub with catsup, let stand 5 minutes.
Rinse off with hot water.

To clean silver, line a cake pan with aluminum foil.
Fill with water and add 1 tbsp of baking soda per
2 cups of water. Heat to 150 degrees.
Lay silverware in pan, touching aluminum foil.

Clogged Drains:
Pour 1/4 cup baking soda down the drain & then immediately
Pour in 1/2 cup white vinegar.
Let sit for a few minutes then pour a kettle of boiling water
Down the drain to flush.

Fry Pan:
Your new fry pan sticks?, Boil some vinegar in your new fry pan,
This will help to prevent foods from sticking.

Grout Mildew:
Pour hydrogen peroxide directly on the mildew & wipe off.

Shower Doors:
Clean your glass shower doors with white vinegar, they
Will become clean, shiny, and streak-free.

ABC's of Life

Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits.
Believe in yourself.
Consider things from every angle.
Don't give up and don't give in.
Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come.
Family and friends are hidden treasures; enjoy their riches.
Give more than you planned to.
Hang on to your dreams.
Ignore those who try to discourage you.
Just do it.
Keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier.
Love yourself first and most.
Make it happen.
Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal.
Open your eyes and see things as they really are.
Practice makes perfect.
Quitters never win and winners never quit.
Read, study and learn about everything important in your life.
Stop procrastinating.
Take control of your own destiny.
Understand yourself in order to better understand others.
Visualize it.
Want it more than anything.
EXcellerate' your efforts.
You are unique of all God's creations, nothing can replace YOU.
Zero in on your target and go for it!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cash Crate

I am signed up with Cashcrate.On this site you fill out surveys and get paid.I have already got 3 checks from this company.I spent half an hour a day on this site and it has paid so far.Its free and easy to join.Come check it out.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Handy Hints

Helpful HintA bottle of 91 percent or more of isopropyl alcohol will clean (markers, sticky stuff, dirt, etc.), and pry apart photos stuck together. Then separate and dry them with the printed side up. Be sure you use at least 91 percent alcohol because anything less contains too much water and will cause additional damage to your photos. Once they've dried, you can look at them, but how about putting them in a nice album so you won't have to go through this again. Burnt Popcorn Smell in the Microwave:To get rid of this awful lingering stink, fill as large microwave-safe bowl with one cup of water and sprinkle your favorite spice like cinnamon or add several drops of vanilla or lemon extract. Bring to a boil. You must let it sit inside for 10 to 15 minutes to cool down. Simply wipe the walls down with paper towels. Leave the door open (with it unplugged to save the light source), to further air it out.Leftovers: Keep two large plastic ice cream buckets in the freezer, one for leftover poultry and cornbread and one for leftover roast beef and vegetables (such as corn, carrots, etc). When full, make cornbread dressing with the first and homemade soup with the second. Small piece of onion or celery can go into either container. If your cake recipe calls for nuts, heat them first in the oven, then dust with flour before adding to the batter to keep them from settling to the bottom of the pan. * Noodles, spaghetti and other starches won't boil over if you rub the inside of the pot with vegetable oil. * Brown gravy in a hurry with a bit of instant coffee straight from the jar... No bitter taste, either. * To hasten the cooking of foods in a double boiler, add salt to the water in the outer boiler. * Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom of a sugar cone to prevent ice cream drips. * To keep potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag with the potatoes. * Cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on your forehead. The throbbing will go away. * Don't throw out all that leftover wine: Freeze into ice cubes for future use in casseroles and sauces. * If you have a problem opening jars: Try using latex dishwashing gloves. They give a on-slip grip that makes opening jars easy. * Add a little lemon and lime to tuna to add zest and flavor to tuna sandwiches. Use cucumbers soaked in vinegar and pepper in sandwich instead of tomatoes. Use mustard instead of Mayo to cut the fat and add a tang. * Instead of the water your recipe calls for, try juices, bouillon, or water you've cooked vegetables in. Instead of milk, try buttermilk, yogurt or sour cream. It can add a whole new flavor and improve nutrition. Permanent Marker Stain on Carpet My granddaughter got dark blue magic marker on my carpet tracing around a sheet of paper. I took Purell hand sanitizer and rubbed on the marks and took a rag and the blue marker came up very easily off my light green carpet.
Handy Hints #1

Minor Burn: Apply a thin coat of Colgate or Crest toothpaste.

Handy Hint #2

Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of peroxide to keep
Them free of germs.

Handy Hints #1

A little bit of toothpaste smeared over mosquito bites will
Stop the itchy feeling quite well for most people.

Handy Hint #2

Cool a bad sunburn by gently dabbing the area with a cotton
Ball or soft cloth saturated with cider vinegar

Friday, July 25, 2008

Free samples

Here is a site where you can sign up to recieve samples.I love recieving samples.I use most of them at the camper or when we go on trips they pack so much easier.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Free pet treat

10 tips for making online

10 Tips for Making Money Online
1. Be persistent
2. Believe in your goals and dreams
3. Don't give up
4. Do your research
5. Look at what other successful people have done
6. Take things one day at a time-one step at a time
7. Make contact with those who can help or offer advice
8. Keep up to date with online trends
9. Don't be afraid to ask questions
10. Know you can succeed

8 ways to stay motivated

8 Ways to Stay Motivated
1. Believe in yoursel
f2. Don't listen to others who say you won't succeed
3. Write a list of short term and long term goals
4. Spend time with positive and supportive people
5. Take a little action each day towards your goals
6. Follow and learn from the careers of other successful people
7. Listen to your intuition and the hunches you get
8. Keep your focus

Google Adsense

You may notice on my blogspot there is an ad.Whenever someone clicks on that add I get paid for it.So please feel free to click on I have another reason for posting these.If you have a website or blog sign up with Google Adsense and you can also post an ad and get paid.Its not hard and pretty easy.

Random thoughts

If your hand was replaced with a rubber stamp what would it say?

Mine would say "Live life to the fullest". My goal is to get the most out of life.You only get one chance at it so you better enjoy it and get the most out of it.This is a hard one for me.I have dealt with depression most of my life.So I have days where i wonder what I am doing and what my purpose truly is.I am always comparing myself to others.I am learning thier life is their life and I have mine to make the most out of it.

Prepaid Visa

I recieved my prepaid Visa from account now.I did not have to pay anything for this debit card.I signed up for this so I could get paid quickly and would not have to give out my bank account or debit account number.IF you would like one leave me a comment with your email and I will send you an invite.I highly reccommend it.They are free and a safer way to recieve money and send money online.


Testpin is a site where you get paid to take surveys.Most surveys pay between 2 dollars to 10 dollars.Here is the link.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

For tv lovers

If you love to watch tv I have the site for you.You answer trivia about the shows you watched the previous night and you get points for them.You then can redeem those points for gift certificates.You can not beat that for just watching tv and answering questions.If you are interested in signing which is free and easy just leave a comment with your email address and I will get you out an invite.
If you love to invite friends over and have a good time.Houseparty is for you.On this site they will have different parties where they send you a product to try free and all you have to do is invite your friends over.I have attended one party for Hershey's Bliss and I am having my first party in August.Its going to be a Barbie PJ party.Come check it out.

Bzz Agent

I have been a member of a wonderful site for almost two years.I try products and then tell my family and friends about them and get points that I can turn into cash or prizes.This site is wonderful and fun.They are always putting on cool websites to check out also.Trust me you want to sign up to be Bzzagent.Here is the link.

My first entry

I am going to be using this blog as a way to share different sites and companies I use to bring in an extra money.I am always looking how to bring in an extra income.I am not out to get to rich quick as I know there is no easy ways.I have found several ways to bring in some extra money.I will also use this site to blog about the happenings of my life.Trust me dont think it will be exciting I am a mother and wife so my life is full of the normal daily things taking care of my family and beloved pets.I will be throwing in tips and recipes here and there also.I am also love freebies and sweepstakes so if I come across any I will share them here.