My Blog

This is the a blog of all things I find helpful in life.I will share tips,advice, and recipes. I will also share all the different ways I have found to make some extra money and save money.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Five Ways to Cut 100 Calories from your Diet

Here are five ways to cut 100 calories out of your diet each day. Doing any one of them could keep you from gaining that typical pound or two a year. The first three tips are from from Kim Gorman, a registered dietitian with the University of Colorado's Center for Human Nutrition. The fourth one is from Starbucks, and the last one is from Hill.
1. Old: whole milk
New: 1 percent milk
Let's say you have milk with your cereal and then a glass of milk some other time during the day. Drinking 1 percent milk instead of whole milk saves you 100 calories.
2. Old: whole bagel
New: half a bagel
Give the other half of your bagel to a friend, and you'll save 100 calories. Depending on the size of the bagel, you could save even more.

3. Old: chocolate ice cream
New: chocolate yogurt or a Popsicle
Swap out the ice cream for the yogurt, and you're consuming 100 fewer calories. You'll save nearly that much if you have a Popsicle instead of the ice cream.
4. Old: latte made with whole milk
New: latte made with skim milk
Order a nonfat latte instead of a regular latte, and you'll save 90 calories.
5. Old: be a couch potato
New: take a 20-minute walk
Walk a mile every day, and you'll burn about 100 calories. Twenty minutes is an estimate of how long it takes to walk a mile; some people are slower, and others are faster. For all you pedometer wearers out there, a mile is about 2,000 steps.
It took Kassouf several years to lose 45 pounds doing the "small changes approach," but he said it's been worth the wait, because he's more likely to keep the pounds off than if he'd made big changes.
By the way, Kassouf is no longer with that girlfriend who called him a complainer, but he's still grateful to her for making him snap to it and come up with a plan for losing weight.