My Blog

This is the a blog of all things I find helpful in life.I will share tips,advice, and recipes. I will also share all the different ways I have found to make some extra money and save money.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Goal Number #3

As you can see I am tired of not being happy so I am setting some goals for myself.I am going to try my hardest buy if I dont meet them I know I gave them my best shot.

I would really love to be more organized at home.IF I could get more organized at home I would be able to save more time and accomplish more.I think I spend more time catching up and trying to find things than I do anything else.Here are the first 5 things I would like to get organized at home:

1. Pen Pal Supplies - I love to write letters but get so overwhelmed by everything it takes to stay organized I just give up.I am going to organize and get back in touch with old friends.

2. Our Bedroom - It is very disorganized with clothes everywhere.Its supposed to be a place to get a good nights sleep.So that is what I want to make it agian.

3. My Office Area - I am going back to school and starting to do more work at home projects. I want to be able to enjoy the area if I am going to spending lots of time there.

4.My Reading Area - AKA night stand. I wont to organize the books I want to read.Plus I want a way to organize after I read.I post all books already read on BookMooch so I need a resting place until they get sent out.

5. Pantry - I want to my pantry repainted and organized for when I find bargians.I am hopefully going to be able to stock up more with the money I save.

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