My Blog

This is the a blog of all things I find helpful in life.I will share tips,advice, and recipes. I will also share all the different ways I have found to make some extra money and save money.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Uses For Citrus Rinds


Make a bird feeder by placing a mixture of fat and birdseed in an empty grapefruit or orange half, suspend the rind cup by string from a tree.

Blackened aluminium saucepans can be cleaned by boiling water and citrus rinds in them. Any remaining stain can be removed with a steel wool pad.

Add citrus peel to tea leaves while they are brewing or put several small strips and a tea bag into a cup with some boiled water.
After carrying out dirty chores press nail tips into the pithy side of a lemon rind to clean them.

Citrus rinds added to simmering cinnamon and cloves will make your home smell lovely.

Small string or muslin bags filled with orange or lemon peel can be placed in drawers or cupboards.

Rub lemon rind over cutting boards to clean and deodorise it.

Add some dried citrus rinds the fire to give off a spicy fragrance.

Orange peel scattered on flower beds deters cats.

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